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Finding Success through Faith

When I decided to embark on this journey of zero-waste urban farming, I thought "how can I possibly make a living off this?" After all, I've worked in retail management for 20-some years, 14 of them being in the luxury beauty industry, and always have had a steady paycheck. (I honestly asked myself if my skin could take a beating that would come with outdoor work!) Luckily for me, I have a wonderful support network full of enthusiastic friends and family. They let me know that if I worked as hard at farming as I did at managing in my former industry, I'd be successful. The fact that they all said this unanimously gave me confidence, and I plowed through my Urban Farming and Conscious Living certification with a 4.0. (Who knew soil was so interesting?! I couldn't wait to learn!)

Something else has given me confidence as well: my faith in Our Creator. The decision to leave retail for my new venture took place while I was in church worshiping with one of my dear friends a few months ago. I received a very clear vision that said "April 1". I took that vision as the day that I was to begin working as a farmer, teaching people how to live off the land without wasting any precious resources, and how to nourish themselves and their families with their own homegrown produce. After the service, my friend spoke to me in the present - "you're a farmer" - and took me to our other friends to discuss my farming ideas. I received her words and I have faith that I'm doing the work I'm supposed to, which has given me peace and an opportunity to have fun without worry!

I've loved being in the beauty industry; I've been blessed with the chance to make people feel good about themselves on the outside. Now it's time to work on the inside through holistic nutrition and the sense of pride you'll feel from self-sufficiency! My services are listed on this site, so please take a moment to review and think about how I can help you. Let's get this movement started!

Till next time!

Dallas Farmer Gal

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